The Detroit Fire Department (DFD) has officially reached Darley Demander status, setting the pace for Departments making the switch to Darley pumps. The DFD worked with Darley to provide small 1.5AG PTO driven pumps to provide emergency suppression capabilities on their aerial trucks and rescue squads. During past few years, the Department has equipped these PTO pumps on 17 fire apparatus provided by Darley OEM partners HME and Smeal. While these apparatus and their crews’ primary responsibilities are not direct suppression, Deputy Fire Commissioner Dave Fornell and the Detroit team had seen too many instances where an extinguisher wouldn’t cut it.
While integrating these apparatus, the Detroit team was also looking to update and improve its fleet’s pumpers. The DFD’s teams of divisional stakeholders in Maintenance, Training, and Operations spent significant time researching pump manufacturers. After many discussions, the decision was made to move forward with the Darley PSM. In March, Detroit awarded a five-year contract to Spartan for 35 pumpers equipped with the Darley PSM, through Spartan Dealer and Darley partner Ricke Roselle, of R&R Firetrucks. The first six of these pumpers are scheduled for delivery this Fall.
The department will also be taking delivery of a fire boat equipped with a Darley PSDE provided by Darley OEM partner Silver Ships. These boats also contain a number of FBX products.
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