This article will explore the impact of fire apparatus technology on repair and maintenance practices and how fire departments can adapt to keep their vehicles in good operational condition.
Troubleshooting Wet Cell Battery and Charging Systems
We rely on wet cell batteries to provide ignition power for so many machines, from generators to staff cars, medics, and standby generators. This often-neglected piece of equipment can save us or let us down.
Who is Maintaining the Maintainers?
For the past decade the U.S. Fire Service has seen documented cases of cancer and suicide directly related to the job. Are emergency vehicle technicians (EVTs) included, and do they have data to track this?
Ensuring Safety and Function: The Crucial Role of Fire Apparatus Factory Inspections
Since fire departments invest in state-of- the-art equipment to protect their communities, the importance of conducting thorough factory inspections before delivery cannot be overstated.
EVT Talk: Pump Maintenance
Thre are many things end users can do to keep their engine’s pumps up and running and out of the shop. Join Chris Mc Loone and Andy Biron to learn more about pump maintenance from the EVT’s perspective.
The Ups and Downs of Technician Certification
By Kevin Roberts Certification tests can be a challenge for the emergency vehicle technician. For today, let's look at the purposes of certification testing. First, it provides an evaluation of technician knowledge and understanding. Second, it brings in a third...
Repair Guru Helped Keep Springfield (MA) FD Running for Nearly 39 Years
Stephen Balboni has done everything from repairing ladder trucks and chainsaws to maintaining air tanks and ordering toilet paper.
Ensuring Safety and Function: The Crucial Role of Fire Apparatus Factory Inspections
Inspections serve as a vital checkpoint, ensuring that every component (pumps, hoses, and safety systems) meet rigorous quality standards.
Unbalanced Loads and Voltage Drops, Part Three
By Kevin Roberts Last time we left you with this diagram. Figure 1 Our point was to introduce the practical application of unbalanced loads in a series circuit. You wouldn’t have thought it would take this many articles to do so. But the point of...
Speaking a Common Language
In this article, I want to cover ways mechanics and firefighters can communicate and work together to solve apparatus problems. Most of these problems come from both sides of the conversation, with both using terms and descriptive statements that one side does not understand.
Fire Truck Training Conference: “Be the Obvious Choice”
Day three had many examples of how attendees to the Fire Truck Training Conference are the “obvious choices.”
Unbalanced Loads and Voltage Drops, Part Two
At the end of the last article, I left some of you with a bit of a cliffhanger. But it was a cliffhanger only for some of you because the rest of you clearly understood all the ramifications of the principle set forth in that article.