FLAIM Trainer

The FLAIM Trainer is a virtual reality firefighter training system that incorporates haptic technology and biometric sensors while immersing the firefighter in one of 60 different scenarios. Not intended to replace live-fire training, the FLAIM Trainer helps firefighters and trainees build muscle memory and gives them experience with events they might not see until the day they hear that incident called over the engine radio. For more information, please visit: https://info.darley.com/training/flaim-trainer/sscid91k5_c8oz4


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The FLAIM Trainer is a virtual reality firefighter training system that incorporates haptic technology and biometric sensors while immersing the firefighter in one of 60 different scenarios. Not intended to replace live-fire training, the FLAIM Trainer helps firefighters and trainees build muscle memory and gives them experience with events they might not see until the […]

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