Defending Specification Requirements

Defending Specification Requirements

Mandating service requirements is admirable. However, purchasers should realize there can be and probably should be a difference in providing “service” applicable to warranty issues and providing general “everyday” service and general maintenance capabilities.

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Purchasing Specifications or Textbook, Part 1

Purchasing Specifications or Textbook, Part 1

There is no logical justification for a purchaser to explain each infinitesimal feature of a component part, how it works, and why it is being specified. That rationalization should be done at a committee level. At the same time, it is not the APC’s job to explain to potential bidders how each widget specified works.

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Regional and Local Trade Show Benefits

Regional and Local Trade Show Benefits

At regional and local shows, most of the rigs are already bought. They’re mostly from local departments, and some are even in service. Potential buyers have the opportunity to observe exactly what other people purchased and often get to ask the end user why something was specified.

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Reducing Fire Truck Accidents Starts with Maintenance

Reducing Fire Truck Accidents Starts with Maintenance

By Frank R. Myers Fire truck accidents are the “second leading cause of on-the-job deaths for firefighters.” This finding is the result of a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study, which noted that “about 70 percent of all fire truck accidents...

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