F.A.T. Talk is a community on Facebook for fire apparatus technicians. Now counting more than 3,100 members, the community is a place for fire apparatus technicians globally to gather and share information. Join Chris Mc Loone and F.A.T. Talk founder Greg Moore as they discuss the group, how it has grown, and Moore’s own experiences as a fire apparatus technician.
Brought to you by W.S. Darley & Co (Darley.com/Pumps).
F.A.T. Talk is a community on Facebook for fire apparatus technicians. Now counting more than 3,100 members, the community is a place for fire apparatus technicians globally to gather and share information. Join Chris Mc Loone and F.A.T. Talk founder Greg Moore as they discuss the group, how it has grown, and Moore’s own experiences as a fire apparatus technician.
Brought to you by W.S. Darley & Co (Darley.com/Pumps).